Mullein: Benefits of Leaves, Flowers, and Roots. And How to Use It Properly

Mullein ( Verbascum thapsus), a towering herb with soft, has been applied in traditional medicine for centuries. This article discovers the benefits of each and offers practical tips for home use.

Benefits of Mullein Leaves

  • Respiratory Support – Mullein leaves are known for their ability to soften the lungs, making them helpful for coughs, asthma, and bronchitis.
  • Reduces Congestion – Functions as an expectorant, helping to loosen mucus and clear airways.
  • Softens Inflammation – Consists of anti-inflammatory properties that reduce irritation in the respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Pain Relief – Mullein leaf poultices can relieve muscle and joint pain.
  • Antibacterial Effects – Protects against infections when used topically.

How to Use Mullein Leaves

Mullein Leaf Tea for Respiratory Health:

Ingredients: 1-2 teaspoons dried mullein leaves, 1 cup boiling water.


  • Put the leaves in a tea strainer or directly in the cup.
  • Pour boiling water over them and soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • Purify carefully using a fine mesh to remove tiny leaf hairs.
  • Drink 1-2 times a day to soften respiratory issues or reduce inflammation.

Topical Poultice for Skin Healing:

Ingredients: Fresh mullein leaves, clean cloth.


  • Squeeze the leaves into a paste using a mortar and pestle.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and rub with a clean cloth.
  • Leave for 20-30 minutes and soak gently with water.

Benefits of Mullein Flowers

  • Eases Ear Infections – Mullein flower oil is a traditional remedy for lessening pain and inflammation in ear infections.
  • Calms Respiratory Issues – Like the leaves, the flowers offer relief for asthma, coughs, and bronchitis.
  • Softens Nerves – Functions as a mild sedative, helping with stress and restlessness.
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties – Soothes inflammation when taken internally or applied externally.
  • Relieves Menstrual Cramps – Offers mild pain relief for menstrual discomfort.

How to Use Mullein Flowers

Ingredients: Fresh mullein flowers, olive oil, small jar.


  • Put the flowers in a clean jar and cover them with olive oil.
  • Close the jar tightly and place it in a sunny window for 2-3 weeks.
  • Purify the oil into a clean bottle using a fine mesh or cheesecloth.
  • Use 1-2 drops of warm oil in the affected ear for relief.

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