Donald Trump urged to release Prince Harry’s immigration file after royal is accu:sed of ly:ing about his past

A conservative think tank has asked President Donald Trump to release Prince Harry’s immigration records, claiming that he may have li:ed about his background.

Trump has had a busy week following his inauguration on Monday, January 20.

Not only did he quickly sign a slew of new declarations, including an overhaul of employment laws, a contentious gender policy, and a rumored ban on Pride and Black Lives Matter flags in US government buildings, but he also declassified JFK’s assassination files, prompting the late president’s grandson to take action.

This fresh protest comes after Harry admitted in his 2023 tell-all biography Spare that he had previously used cocaine, cannabis, and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

The 40-year-old admitted to using cocaine for the first time when he was 17, writing that he wanted ‘to feel different’ after his mother, Princess Diana, di:ed.

“Of course I had been taking cocaine at that time,” he said. “At someone’s house, during a hunting weekend, I was offered a line, and since then I had consumed some more.”

Harry’s immigration status has triggered a court dispute, as well as a promise from Trump during his campaign last year that he would take action against anyone who faked their immigration status on documents.

In March 2024, Trump stated that he would ‘have to see’ whether the Department of Homeland Security was aware of his drug use.

“If they know something about the drugs, and if he li:ed, they’ll have to take appropriate action,” he noted.

However, this isn’t preventing calls for Trump to release the files.

“I’ll be urging the president to release Prince Harry’s immigration records and the president does have that legal authority to do that,” said Nile Gardiner, of the Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom to The Post.

He added: “It’s important because this is an issue of the rule of law, transparency and accountability. No one should be above the law.

“Donald Trump is ushering in a new era of strict border control enforcement, and you know, Prince Harry should be held fully to account as he has admitted to extensive illegal drug use. My firm expectation is that action will be taken.”

He went on to assert that ‘the Biden administration went to tremendous pains to attempt and delay the publication of Harry’s records’ and that they received’special treatment’ because they were leftists.

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